Last night as I was sitting around watching a movie with my night off from work, I casually sipped on a Black IPA from Eastern Market Brewing Company. It was called Frost Bite and as I have stated before on this page, I do love a good Black IPA. It is not an uncommon style by any means, but it is also not a style that you see breweries package for distribution on a consistent basis. Therefore once I saw it, I had to buy a four pack of it and give it the good old honest college try.
This was a very worthy entry in the category of Black IPA, checking in at 7.0% ABV, this was one that was not meant to be pounded, it is more of a casual sipper. It was dark and roasty from the malts that were used in it, and gave off very piney and bitter flavors from the hop additions to the beer. This created a well balanced Black IPA that both dark beer and IPA lovers could enjoy equally. I felt like I could have finished the entire 4 pack last night, I did not though, I saved some for future enjoyment. I tried to research Eastern Market’s website to see if I could find out what hops and malts were used in the creation of this beer, unfortunately I was not able to find this information for this article. I could take an educated guess but I don’t want to give you incorrect information, therefore I will pass on guessing.
There are many people out there that claim to hate IPAs but love Stouts and vice versa. I believe that with Black IPAs you can have the best of both worlds. This would be a beer that you could give to one of those people that could maybe ease them into joining the other side at some point in their life. If you are looking for a beer that is dark and roasty for the last months of Winter but also crisp and refreshing that will make you look ahead to warmer weather and beach beers to come, as they say on their website, “this is the perfect brew to keep the chill at bay”. So next time you are looking for a good beer to get you excited for warmer months ahead, sit down and enjoy a good stiff pour of Frost Bite from Eastern Market Brewing Company. Cheers!
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