Well we just finished up at Lagerhaus #5, so we walked a whole 500 feet down the street to check out another brewery that I am very familiar with, and that is Eastern Market Brewing Company which is clearly in the Eastern Market neighborhood of Detroit. Although they now have multiple locations and brands throughout the Metro Detroit area, we went and had a beer at their O.G. location before the comedy show this past Thursday.

At this stop we ended up getting a flight of beers and the flight consisted of their Croboy Mulligan-Irish Lager, Torch Drive- Kolsch, Shredder- Dark Lager, Diesel 313- Double New England IPA.

The Croboy Mulligan was a light, clean lager that had a slight malt presence on the back end of it. It finished very crisp and very smooth. Checking in at 4.5%, this one would be a perfect lawnmower beer for the spring and summer months ahead.

Our next beer on the flight, Torch Drive, was a German Style Kolsch that was very light-bodied, crisp and refreshing. Tipping the scales at 5.0% ABV, this is another beer that could be a perfect all day sipper for the warmer months of the year. As an added bonus, the proceeds from the sales of this beer are donated to the UNITED WAY of Southeastern Michigan.

On our flight of 4, the third beer that we had was a Dark Lager called Shredder. This beer has notes of honey, coffee, caramel and toffee. It is dark in color and has a slight bitterness from the hop profile on this beer. Checking in at 5.4% ABV, this is another beer that despite its dark appearance, drinks very light and could be enjoyed all day.

For the last beer on the flight at Eastern Market before we headed to the comedy show, we had Diesel 313, which is the only beer that we had that is not an all day sipper, unless you are super hardcore…..in that case, we should hang out. This is an Imperial version of their 313 Hazy IPA and it shows. This was absolutely delicious (we ordered a full one after the flight and Crystal, who hates IPAs, actually helped me drink it). This beer checks in at 8.0% ABV and will kick your ass if you let it. It had a very tropical fruit flavor to it, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact flavor, at this point of the trip, this was beer number 5 before the comedy show. Diesel 313 also had a strong hop presence to it, but it went down very easily, which is why this beer could be very dangerous. I highly recommend trying this beer out the next time you are down at Eastern Market Brewing Company.

Well now that we have about 45 minutes before the comedy show, it is time for me to pack up my laptop and get going. We need to park our car and get to the show. Tomorrow’s post will be about the show itself, since I have been asked multiple times what we went to see in the comments sections of these posts, you will all get to find out tomorrow. Until then, drink local, enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day weekend and Cheers!

#cheers #beer #brewery #brewerylife #drinklocal #craftbeer #michiganbeer #detroit #stpatricksday


Steve Siddall

Hello, My name is Steve Siddall and I am a certifiable craft beer dork. There is nothing that I love more than friends, family, and traveling all over the place on the search for the perfect beer. I eat, drink, sleep and live beer. Over the last 17 years I have visited well over 500 breweries in the great state of Michigan and beyond. Follow me on the Hold MI Beer Facebook group as I highlight the best in Michigan Craft Breweries.


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