On our second stop of the afternoon yesterday in Detroit, we stopped by Lagerhaus #5 in the Eastern Market neighborhood of Detroit. This is another brewery that I have been to on quite a few occasions throughout the years. On this particular visit, I believe we were the first customers of the day, as they had just opened at 5 p.m. and we were the only ones in the place upon our arrival. 

Lagerhaus #5 is a really cool place and if you haven’t gotten a chance to check them out yet, I highly recommend that you do so. Even just going to check out their expansive collection of German Bier Steins is worth the trip alone. I have not written a full review of the brewery itself yet, I will make sure to get to that in the near future, they definitely deserve it. 

The beer that I ended up getting on our visit was the Munich Dunkel, it had no special name or anything, just their Munich Dunkel. This beer has all the qualities that you look for in a good Munich Dunkel, it had the flavors of a toasted bread with caramel undertones. It was slightly roasty and finished very smooth. This beer check in at 5.5%, so you can enjoy a couple of them in a sitting and not feel guilty about doing so. 

Crystal ended up getting the Porter, which I swear she gets everytime that we visit Lagerhaus #5 and for good reason, it is an exceptional Porter. It has slight coffee flavors over a rich, malty, and roasty backbone. This beer is pitch black and has all the characteristics of a great Porter. This one checks in at 6% ABV, so you can have a few of them if you would like, but please do so responsibly.

Since we were cutting it close to the beginning of the comedy show and we wanted to hit Eastern Market Brewing Company before we went and found a parking spot for the show, we didn’t have time to split another full beer but I did end up sampling their Alt Bier. This beer just like the Munich Dunkel that I enjoyed a full pour of had some very bready characteristics to it. The Alt Bier was much lighter in color than the Munich Dunkel, but it still had a malt presence to it and finished very clean and smooth. This one checks in at 5.8%, so you can partake in having a few of them, if that is what is on the agenda for the afternoon.  

Now that we have come to the end of our time at Lagerhaus #5, our next stop tomorrow will be Eastern Market Brewing Company. I really enjoy Lagerhaus #5 and if you haven’t checked them out yet, what are you waiting for? They will be awaiting your arrival down in the Eastern Market area of Detroit. Cheers!

#cheers #beer #brewery #brewerylife #beerlovers #craftbeer #michiganbeer #detroit


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