
Thank you to Amanda and Gina for joining us from The Tasting Alliance to talk about their latest endeavors, their beer competition and RTD competition. They take us through a history of the organization hosting some of the most world renown spirits competitions and how they are entering the beer space. From how they choose judges to how they pick winners, follow us on our journey to understand how the world of competitive beer competitions influences us on our day to day lives as beer fans.

North Center Brewing – https://northcenterbrewing.com/
Zetouna Liquor – https://www.facebook.com/Zetouna-Liquor-Fine-Wine-Cigars-146021445420374/
Join The Michigan Beer Discord – https://discord.gg/vEEDyzwdjT

Download the MI Beer Map – http://www.mibeermap.com

Subscribe to Better on Draft – https://plnk.to/BOD
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/6AlzP1BH0iykayF856bGRc?si=xXZzdd3CTPqgUq_KYTnBKg
iTunes – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/better-on-draft-a-craft-beer-podcast/id1091124740

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A craft beer fan since 19, used to look for your non-regular beers on frequent trips to downtown Windsor with friends, at 21 Ken basically took over an entire refrigerator with monthly visits to Merchants. With 5 years of podcasting prior, Ken decided to create the brand and show Better on Draft in the spring of 2015, and began creating his dream of a beer-centric website that wasn't too full of itself. He now runs the board and does a lot of the back office stuff while the show goes on, keeping everyone in line, and the beer flowing!


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